EN OPAC-ABCD Tutorial de configuración

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  • Read general description of the OPAC
  • Create the folder where Opac will be installed and unzip the downloaded opac_dist.zip file. This folder can be under ABCD or anywhere within the Web directory and for the purposes of this explanation we will call it opac_abcd (see [http://wiki.abcdonline.info/OPAC-ABCD_scripts Folder Structure)
  • Move the folder opac.xis to central/dataentry/wxis/ and rename it to opac
  • Copy the file opac.tab contained in lang/00 to the languages ​​folder of the databases folder (Eg: /bases/lang/00). This file contains the OPAC messages
  • Modify the first few lines the script [opac-directory]/php/config_opac.php to write the path to the config.php of ABCD that is located in the central folder.
         include ("/abcd/www/htdocs/central/config.php");   //CAMINO DE ACCESO HACIA EL CONFIG.PHP DE ABCD
  • If you are installing OPAC with version 1.6 modify the parameters
         $ABCD_scripts_path="/abcd/www/htdocs/";            //path donde están instalados los scripts de abcd
         $server_url="";               //El url que se usa para acceder al opac
placing the values ​​of your installation
  • Add a new sub-folder named opac_conf in the bases folder set in config.php of ABCD. opac_conf will be used to store the configuration files of the databases. These files are created from the configuration module contained in the config folder of the OPAC
  • Under opac_conf add a sub-folder for each language you are going to use (ex: es, fr, pt, en ...)
  • At this point you can verify the general configuration by running the script config/verif_inst.php from where you have installed the OPAC (eg: http://localhost:9091/opac_abcd/config/verif_inst.php) . This script will check if the initial parameters and directories have been set correctly.
  • Run the configuration module from where you have installed the OPAC (ejm: http://localhost:9091/opac_abcd/config/).
  • Provide the ABCD administrator login and password. The language table used in this entry is the one defined in the central ABCD module.
  • If the login and password are correct, the General Settings page will appear where you must fill each of the established options. The help button will provide you with additional explanations about the requested information
  • Once the general configuration is completed, the main menu will present the options to configure the databases
     Note: We recommend setting up a first database to get started. Then gradually add the rest of
           the databases.
           Note that adding a second database will trigger the meta-search. If you haven't configured it
           then it will use the advanced search settings defined for the first database

Configure databases

Basic setup

  • Fill the free search form
  • Fill out the advanced search form
  • Prepare the display formats that must be different from those of the central module, since a record toolbar must be added. You can copy the formats you select and give them a different name
  • Add to the formats the Record Toolbar found in the configuration menu under General Settings -> Record Toolbar. All you have to do is click the Save button and add the indicated line to the dbn.par of all available databases. See the help for an explanation on how to modify the format to add the toolbar.
  • After completing the basic configuration of the databases, you must configure the meta-search by filling out the free and advanced search form. Skipping this step will generate an error when trying to apply meta-search options.
  • Once the basic configuration for a language is ready, enter Opac and test.
  • You can use the option Copy configuration files from the database configuration menu to generate the configuration in another language. When copying the configuration files, all you have to do is translate the titles into the corresponding language.

Advanced settings

Modify the opac home page and the home pages of each database